Guillory's Specialty Meats
4720 Hwy 28 E Pineville, Louisiana 71360
(318) 484-2999

Latest reviews for Guillory's Specialty Meats 5/5.0 stars (3 reviews)

Mohammad in Alexandria, LA *****
The food is exceptional. I Feels lucky I get to know this place.
Mark in Splendora, TX *****
I work all over this nation and have had this boudin and other Specialty Meats shipped right to my doorsteps. This place is the Best I've found by Far!!!
Paul in Kennewick, WA *****
Because I currently live and work outside Louisiana, I have to import most of my REAL food. I have been ordering pure pork sausage for gumbo from here for YEARS and having it sent to me. Some of my friends and family have been here several times and said that if you lived too close to this place, you would gain 50 pounds in a year from eating all of the lunch specials. I might give that try one year!

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